
越 exceed, go beyond; the more ... | CJK Ideograph

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Comments Cantonese: jyut6
Hangul: 월:0E
JapaneseKun: KOERU KOSU
Korean: WEL HWAL
Mandarin: yuè
Tang: *hiuæt
Vietnamese: việt
BlockCJK Unified Ideographs
CategoryLo / Letter, other
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Descriptiongeneric word for peoples or states of south China or south Asia at different historical periods/abbr. for Vietnam 越南
generic word for peoples or states of south China or south Asia at different historical periods/abbr. for Vietnam 越南
to exceed/to climb over/to surpass/the more... the more
to exceed/to climb over/to surpass/the more... the more
How to type "" in Windows? hold alt
type +
type 8D8A
release alt
How to type "" in Linux? hold ctrl+shift
type U 8D8A
release ctrl+shift