
鼎 large, three-legged bronze caldron | CJK Ideograph

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Comments Cantonese: ding2
Hangul: 정:0N
JapaneseOn: TEI
Korean: CENG
Mandarin: dǐng
Tang: *děng
Vietnamese: đỉnh
BlockCJK Unified Ideographs
CategoryLo / Letter, other
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Descriptionancient cooking cauldron with two looped handles and three or four legs/pot (dialect)/to enter upon a period of (classical)/Kangxi radical 206/one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes
ancient cooking cauldron with two looped handles and three or four legs/pot (dialect)/to enter upon a period of (classical)/Kangxi radical 206/one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes
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