
扦 probe, poke, prick, pierce | CJK Ideograph

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Comments Cantonese: cin1
Mandarin: qiān
Vietnamese: xiên
BlockCJK Unified Ideographs
CategoryLo / Letter, other
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Descriptionshort slender pointed piece of metal, bamboo etc/skewer/prod used to extract samples from sacks of grain etc/(dialect) to stick in/to bolt (a door)/to arrange (flowers in a vase)/to graft (tree)/to pedicure/to peel (an apple etc)
short slender pointed piece of metal, bamboo etc/skewer/prod used to extract samples from sacks of grain etc/(dialect) to stick in/to bolt (a door)/to arrange (flowers in a vase)/to graft (tree)/to pedicure/to peel (an apple etc)
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type 6266
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type U 6266
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