
毛 hair, fur, feathers; coarse | CJK Ideograph

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Comments Cantonese: mou4
Hangul: 모:0E
JapaneseKun: KE
JapaneseOn: MOU BOU
Korean: MO
Mandarin: máo
Tang: *mɑu
Vietnamese: mao
BlockCJK Unified Ideographs
CategoryLo / Letter, other
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Descriptionsurname Mao
surname Mao
hair/feather/down/wool/mildew/mold/coarse or semifinished/young/raw/careless/unthinking/nervous/scared/(of currency) to devalue or depreciate/classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角[jiao3] , = one-tenth of a yuan or 10 fen 分[fen1])
hair/feather/down/wool/mildew/mold/coarse or semifinished/young/raw/careless/unthinking/nervous/scared/(of currency) to devalue or depreciate/classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角[jiao3] , = one-tenth of a yuan or 10 fen 分[fen1])
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