
磨 grind; polish; rub; wear out; a millstone | CJK Ideograph

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Comments Cantonese: mo4
Hangul: 마:0E
JapaneseKun: MIGAKU
JapaneseOn: MA
Korean: MA
Mandarin: mó
Tang: *mɑ
Vietnamese: mài
BlockCJK Unified Ideographs
CategoryLo / Letter, other
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Descriptionto rub/to grind/to polish/to sharpen/to wear down/to die out/to waste time/to pester/to insist
to rub/to grind/to polish/to sharpen/to wear down/to die out/to waste time/to pester/to insist
grindstone/to grind/to turn round
grindstone/to grind/to turn round
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