
糗 parched wheat or rice; broken grain | CJK Ideograph

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Comments Cantonese: jau2
Hangul: 구:1N
JapaneseKun: IRIGOME
JapaneseOn: KYUU KU SHOU
Korean: KWU
Mandarin: qiǔ
Tang: kiǒu
BlockCJK Unified Ideographs
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Descriptionsurname Qiu
surname Qiu
dry rations (for a journey)/(dialect) (of noodles etc) to become mush (from overcooking)/(coll.) embarrassing/embarrassment
dry rations (for a journey)/(dialect) (of noodles etc) to become mush (from overcooking)/(coll.) embarrassing/embarrassment
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type 7CD7
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How to type "" in Linux? hold ctrl+shift
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