
芒 Miscanthus sinensis | CJK Ideograph

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Comments Cantonese: mong4
Hangul: 망:0N
JapaneseKun: NOGI SUSUKI
JapaneseOn: BOU MOU KOU
Korean: MANG
Mandarin: máng
Tang: mɑng
Vietnamese: mang
BlockCJK Unified Ideographs
CategoryLo / Letter, other
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Descriptionawn (of cereals)/arista (of grain)/tip (of a blade)/Miscanthus sinensis (type of grass)/variant of 邙, Mt Mang at Luoyang in Henan
awn (of cereals)/arista (of grain)/tip (of a blade)/Miscanthus sinensis (type of grass)/variant of 邙, Mt Mang at Luoyang in Henan
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