
被 passive indicator 'by'; bedding | CJK Ideograph

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Comments Cantonese: bei6
Hangul: 피:0E
JapaneseOn: HI
Korean: PHI
Mandarin: bèi
Tang: *bhyɛ̌
Vietnamese: bị
BlockCJK Unified Ideographs
CategoryLo / Letter, other
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Descriptionquilt/by/(indicates passive-voice clauses)/(literary) to cover/to meet with/(coll.) (since c. 2009) used before a verb that does not accurately represent what actually happened, to describe with black humor how sb or sth was dealt with by the authorities (as in 被自殺|被自杀[bei4 zi4 sha1])
quilt/by/(indicates passive-voice clauses)/(literary) to cover/to meet with/(coll.) (since c. 2009) used before a verb that does not accurately represent what actually happened, to describe with black humor how sb or sth was dealt with by the authorities (as in 被自殺|被自杀[bei4 zi4 sha1])
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